I finally feel like I have turned a corner, today I haven't felt at all hungry. I feel completely in control again, no thoughts of cheating. I have managed to drink about 6 litres of water and had my first shake at about 2.30 and the last two packs about an hour ago. I did some gardening yesterday, well not really gardening but planting things in pots. Our garden is small and is divided up in to two areas of decking, one outside of the conservatory and another raised area at the bottom of the garden and the bit in the middle is scottish pebbles and a few paving slab. So no grass or borders just tubs and pots which makes life really easy. It was nice to get out in the sunshine after being at work all week. The rest of the day was spent catching up with housework. After returning from holiday really didn't feel like doing anything after work all week. Matt spent all afternoon ironing whilst watching every extreme sport or bike channel he could find, I'm sure thats why he volunteers to do the ironing so that I won't have any reason to complain about him watching TV.
Not much has happened to day, just a busy day at work. This evening we went to visit M's brother and his wife with their new baby. He's now 3 months old and really gorgeous considering he doesn't know us very well he was happy to sit with both of us and chat away despite the fact he was due a feed.
Its weigh in tomorrow and I will get LLC to confirm when my hundred days are up - but I guess it will be when we have completed all the tasks in the green book.
I am trying to work out how to put photos on here hopefully will be able to do it over the next couple of days.
Feeling tired now so think it must be time for bed,so night night for know.
Anita x